3. Font Size and Font Face

Be consistent with the font size and font face selected for titles, subtitles, paragraph text, table text, and chart labels. Select a large font size to ensure your audience can read your content. A common pitfall is putting too much text on a single slide, requiring you to reduce the font size to fit the content. Remember, a slide should complement a presentation, not be the presentation itself.

Font size

  • Set title text to 40 points or larger. Use this for the presentation title slide and slides that demarcate sections of the presentation.

  • Set subtitle text to 28 points or larger. Use this for the slide titles.

  • Set paragraph text to 20 points or larger. Use this for text inside the body of a slide.

Font face

Use the following sans-serif font faces to ensure the text is accessible:

  • Arial
  • Helvetica
  • Lato
  • Avenir

To set the font face and size, use the font face and size selector from the Home menu bar in PowerPoint.

Figure 3.1: The PowerPoint toolbar used to set the font face, weight, color, and size
