think-cell publishes new book on web knowledge management

Berlin/Heidelberg, May 5, 2003

think-cell's CEO, Markus Hannebauer, edited a new Springer-book on the tightly interwoven topics of knowledge acquisition, knowledge management, knowledge processing and knowledge distribution, all in the context of the World Wide Web.

The book is targeted at designers and users of e-business systems and e-government, IT professionals who build such systems, and a wider audience of those interested in the technical background of knowledge processing for the web.

About Springer-Verlag

Springer-Verlag has been publishing for more than 150 years. Since its beginnings, highly qualified authors, such as Robert Koch, Werner von Siemens, and Rudolf Diesel, have made history with their publications and have made "Springer" a trademark of quality in scientific publishing.

About think-cell

Founded in Berlin in 2002, think-cell is the de facto standard for creating professional presentations in PowerPoint. With productivity tools and support for 40+ chart types, all of the top 10 global consulting firms rely on think-cell. It is the software of choice for the DAX 40 and Fortune 500 companies and is taught at 10 of the top 10 US business schools.
