Knowledge base KB0199

PowerPoint crashes when entering the think-cell license key with FactSet installed


  1. The think-cell license key window opens automatically when PowerPoint starts. This typically happens because you have not yet entered a think-cell license key, or your current key reached the end of the validity period.
  2. When you close the license key window with OK, PowerPoint crashes. With most versions of Microsoft Office, a think-cell error message appears, "APIERR 1400 Invalid window handle" or "VERIFY(FindWindowOfMainThread( PPTFrameClass() ))".

This is a known problem apparently caused by the FactSet add-in for PowerPoint. We reported the problem to FactSet. If you as a FactSet customer also want to express interest in a solution, please contact your FactSet support representative referring to FactSet support ticket ID #2601415.


  • Enter think-cell's license key in Microsoft Excel instead of PowerPoint. Start Excel, enter think-cell's license key into the think-cell license key window, confirm with OK, and close Excel.
  • An alternative workaround was provided to us by FactSet and involves editing the Windows Registry. This is best left to your IT support. Manually modifying the registry may cause serious problems. Therefore, perform these steps at your own risk.
    1. Open the Windows Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FactSet\DealMaven\PresLinkPPT
    2. Set the key AppStartTemplateLoadDelay to -1
  • By providing the think-cell license key during installation or with Windows group policies, the display of the think-cell license key window can be prevented. This is often desirable in general and also avoids the FactSet problem. For details on this please refer to A.2 Initial installation and A.2.2.3 Group Policy.

Contact support

If these solutions do not fix the problem contact our support team.
