Knowledge base KB0174

Segment colors in think-cell charts do not update when I apply conditional formatting to a cell in Excel


I am applying conditional formatting to Excel (KB0186) to change the segment colors in charts depending on the cell values. However, the change is not detected by think-cell, which consequently is not flagged to indicate a pending update in PowerPoint.


  • Enter a value in one of the cells. This will trigger an update of the chart including the conditional formatting. 

    This problem is caused by a bug in Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and later. It is possible to recreate this problem without think-cell:

    1. Open PowerPoint.
    2. Open Excel and enter some numbers into cells A1 to A5.
    3. Select the cells A1 to A5.
    4. Copy the selection.
    5. Paste the selection as a linked Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object:
      On the Home tab of the ribbon, go to Clipboard > Paste > Paste Special….
      Select Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object and Paste link.
    6. Back in Excel, apply conditional formatting to one of the cells A1 to A5. Use a condition that makes the cell color change in Excel.

    Result: The embedded worksheet in PowerPoint does not update its cell color.
    We have reported this problem to Microsoft. If your company has a Microsoft Office Support contract and you want to contact Microsoft to ask for a fix, you may refer to Microsoft case number 114012811137516.

  • If this does not solve your problem please check the rules for conditional formatting in KB0186.
