What's in progress at think-cell
Development work is complete for the following list of features, but they are not yet included in a version that is available for download:
- Charting
- Import Mekko Graphics to think-cell
- Data table aligned with chart categories and series
- Data entry
- 100%= row removed from default datasheet
- All your slide data in one powerful datasheet
- Chart decorations
- CAGR labels include "per annum"
- More trendlines for scatter charts
- Grand total labels in Mekko chart
- Visualize ranked data with ordinal axes
- External data
- More conditional formatting for charts and tables
- Create a table that looks like your Excel sheet
- Match table formatting to Excel
- Add entire Excel ranges with formatting
- UpdateChart and ppttc/JSON uses chart datasheet layout (instead of always default)
- More ways to customize think-cell styles
- Layout
- Position and resize elements relative to each other with grouping
- Match object alignment and size with reference objects
- Chart outer gridlines for enhanced alignment
- Tables
- Add Harvey balls, checkboxes, and images to think-cell tables
- All think-cell tables have datasheets
- Create tables with datasheets from grouped elements
- Table striping uses reference element
- Images
- Edit icons and other SVG images
- Specify a width or height for images
- Library
- Full-text search in slides in file system folders
- Slide templates
- Freepik as stock image source
- Stock images from file system
- Productivity tools
- Fully customizable think-cell ribbon
- Copy slide selections to the clipboard
- Updated mini toolbar
- Moved the Use Datasheet Font Color and Use Datasheet Bold/Italic options
- Added an option, Stacked Fill Order: Bottom to Top
- Added a button, Convert Text Field to Plain Text
- Offline manual
- Miscellaneous
- Additional API function, GetStyleName, for style files
- Improved proxy server support: We now use WinHTTP services instead of WinINet
The following list of features in progress is preliminary and will be amended, expanded and re-prioritized during further development:
- Better performance for bulk UpdateChart operations
- Full-text search in slides on SharePoint
- Searching for visually similar slides and slides similar in text content
- Fonts customizable in style file
- Fill scheme editor
- Excel links connected to sliders
- Stock images from SharePoint folders
- 2x2/3x3 qualitative scatter charts
- Add separator lines to tables and tabular layouts
- Agenda support for multiple columns with additional information: time, speaker, duration, etc.
- Interactive style file editor
- Switch links between Excel workbooks containing copies of the same link
- More sanitization