Free think-cell student license
Turn data into results through storytelling
think-cell is the fastest way to create stunning charts and unlock data storytelling in your presentations that move business forward - for your studies and beyond.
Better slides, 70% faster than before
Use think-cell to boost your productivity and create professional looking slides much faster
- Better grades - at your fingertips
- Intuitive tool with 40+ chart types
Tell more convincing stories with stunning data visualization
Take your presentations to the next level by applying industry-leading storytelling and data visualization techniques
- Inspire people and change minds
- Supercharge your communication skills
Land your dream job
think-cell is the de-facto industry-standard for leading companies (i.e. BCG, Tesla, Intel)
- Stand out of the crowd - boost your CV
- Kick start your career
What students say

I used to dread creating charts until I started using think-cell. Now I actually look forward to exploring the many ways I can bring numbers to life with think-cell's numerous features!

I learned about think-cell after working with some consultants. I was amazed at how quickly they created visually stunning yet complex charts and graphs. At Tuck, I explored think-cell to develop that skill-set, which provided a distinct value-add to my first-year project team and allowed me to better contribute to my summer internship!
See how think-cell addresses your
typical PowerPoint pain points
think-cell helps you create stunning charts in minutes, boosts your slide layout and automates your regular reports. And all this with a single PowerPoint add-in. Here are its most awe-inspiring features.
Calendar-based Gantt charts
Ever tried to import a Gantt chart from Microsoft Visio or Project into PowerPoint? If yes, you know that this doesn't work very well. If not, you might still use basic boxes and lines to draw them yourself.
think-cell puts an end to these tedious best practices. You create and update calendar-based Gantt charts directly in PowerPoint. Features such as 5- or 7-day work weeks, remark and responsibility labels or time span brackets make sure that your work time on Gantts reduces to a few minutes instead of hours.
Automatic waterfall charts
Creating waterfalls in PowerPoint is time-consuming and error-prone. You either push basic shapes around or use a hidden data row that supports floating segments. Hence, any data change implies many manual calculations and adjustments.
In think-cell, positive data values in waterfalls build up, negative values build down. This works automatically, even for stacked segments. Segments can cross the baseline and build upon segments in any category – not only the previous one.
Data-driven visual annotations
Whether it be total labels, percentages, averages, breaks, difference arrows or CAGRs – think-cell will help you to tell the story behind your data by offering dozens of data-driven visual annotations.
And what is even better: All calculations and placements are done automatically. Your derived data will always be correct and labels or arrows will never overlap.
think-cell Library
Discover the content you need faster than ever. Search your entire PowerPoint repository at slide-level, access premium templates, images, and icons. Simply connect any existing folders you like to the library and start searching. Keep your documents secure as they remain in their original location. think-cell respects permissions and does not copy or upload your files to the cloud.
Mekko charts for complex analyses
Want to show market share for different competitors and different product categories at the same time? Why not add a second dimension to your data visualization? A Mekko (also known as Marimekko) is the perfect chart for this job.
think-cell's Mekko chart is a two-dimensional 100% chart or stacked chart. Column widths are calculated automatically or can be provided by you. Values can be ordered by size and small values can be hidden in an "other" series.
Smart text boxes
When it comes to slide layout in PowerPoint, all your options entail unsatisfactory compromises: You may use an inflexible PowerPoint table, combine standard text boxes and face many tedious manual adjustments, or you may use a template from PowerPoint's SmartArt or your own library and soon bump into its limitations.
Using think-cell's smart text boxes, you can quickly build up complex slides like this one. When adding text and other elements, the slide layout is continuously optimized automatically. Meaningful actions like snapping together, aligning and moving elements define a smart grid so that you never need to place or resize shapes manually.
Automated data visualization
You spend hours and hours on updating charts in your reports every month? Cut down these hours to a few minutes!
With think-cell's data links, every chart in your presentation can be linked to Excel and updated either manually or automatically. think-cell programmatic interfaces offer even more automation. Once set up, they will create entire slide decks from your chart templates and designated data. Periodic reporting couldn't be easier.
Data extraction from any column chart image
Have you recently seen a chart on a web site or in a PDF report that you would have liked to use in your presentation? Using copy & paste in this situation yields good visual results, but makes changes impossible. On the other hand, guessing and retyping the data underlying the chart is time-consuming and error-prone.
Using think-cell, you simply drag a transparent window over any image of a column chart on your screen, hit the import button and let our software do the rest. It will not only correctly extract the data, but also the category labels and put them into your Excel sheet. From there, a think-cell chart in PowerPoint is only one click away.
Frequently asked questions
How much does a think-cell student license cost?
think-cell licenses for academic use are completely free of charge. There is no autorenewal function and we will never ask you for your bank or card details.
Who is eligible for a free academic think-cell license?
Any currently enrolled student at a verified higher education institution can access our program. Under this free licensing scheme, the software must be used exclusively for educational and non-commercial purposes.
Students are eligible to sign up for a free think-cell license via the think-cell Student Portal.
If you are a member of teaching staff, you can request a license directly via our Professor Portal.
How long is the license valid for?
Each academic license will be fulfilled by a free license key, valid for 12 months or until your graduation. Upon expiry, if you are still a student, you will be able to request a renewal. A new key will be generated and you will enjoy uninterrupted access to think-cell.
Does a think-cell student license come with full access to the software?
Yes! Any student using think-cell will access the same product with full functionality and features as any paying customer using it for commercial purposes. Any users with a free academic license will also have the same level of software updates and access to new versions and upcoming features of think-cell.
I am a member of teaching staff at an accredited higher education institution. Am I eligible for a free think-cell license?
Yes! You can request a free license as a member of teaching staff via our Professor Portal. You will be granted a free 12-month license pending a verification.
How much does a think-cell professor license cost?
think-cell licenses for academic use are completely free of charge. There is no autorenewal function and we will never ask you for your bank or card details.
Who is eligible for a free academic think-cell license?
Any teaching staff at a verified higher education institution can access our program. Under this free licensing scheme, the software must be used exclusively for educational and non-commercial purposes.
Teaching staff are able to request a free license via our Professor Portal. We will verify your eligibility and typically send you a confirmation within a few days.
How can my students use think-cell?
Any student currently enrolled in higher education is eligible to validate their own free license. To access their license key, they need to simply refer to the Student Portal.
Does think-cell provide material to help introduce the tool to the classroom?
Yes! We have a wealth of material to help you integrate think-cell into the classroom and engage your students with the hands-on use of an industry-standard tool.
From case-based homework assignments to free and comprehensive training resources, as a member of teaching staff you will be well set to help your students learn in-demand skills with think-cell.
For more information on how think-cell can help your students, please get in touch with our team at
I am a member of staff at a higher education institution (a research fellow, administrator, etc.). Can I access think-cell’s free academic licensing scheme?
Yes, staff at an accredited higher university are eligible for free and full use of our tool, but this license must be used exclusively for non-profit or educational purposes.
To request access as a member of staff, simply send a request to us here. We will verify your eligibility and typically send you a confirmation within a few days. For questions please reach out to at
How can students or my colleagues access think-cell for free?
Any student or member of teaching staff can gain free access to think-cell via our landing page for students and professors.
Get to know the Academics Team
Feel free to contact our team at
Head of Academic Programs
Jonas Gerhard
Academic Program Associate EMEA
Sibei Lin
Academic Program Associate APAC
Paul Tran
Academic Partnership Manager Americas
Josh Hewitt
*For getting the license no fee has to be paid. However, in return for granting the license we request your consent in receiving our newsletter.