Knowledge base KB0167
Does think-cell work on server-based Office installations?
think-cell works on most server-based installations, both for thin-client solutions and application streaming. You need support for DirectX. We have several customers who run think-cell successfully on the following systems:
- Microsoft Terminal Services
- Microsoft Remote Desktop Services
- Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) 4.5 and later
- Citrix XenApp 5 and later
- Citrix XenDesktop 5.6 and later
- VMware ThinApp 4.5 (build 238809) and later
Technical support is included in the license. If you plan to deploy think-cell on a server system, we recommend that you first do a test installation on your test server. If you experience screen drawing problems, please refer to our knowledge base article KB0051.
Our order FAQ contains tips on licensing users on server-based installations.