Osijek Competitive Programming Camp (OCPC), Croatia 2023

February 18, 2023

think-cell recently sponsored an Osijek Competitive Programming Camp (OCPC) which showcased some of the best and brightest programming talent from all over the world. The event took place between the 18th and 26th February, 2023. That’s 200 developers, 74 teams (13 on-site), 7 contests (9-12 problems per challenge) over the course of 9 days, all competing to become champion of the programming rounds!

OCPC, which is hosted by the Department of Mathematics at J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, is a contest that helps students and young enthusiasts to practice for the Regional and World Finals ICPC (The International Collegiate Programming Contest).

Participants competed in solving programming challenges, demonstrating their problem-solving skills, algorithmic thinking, and programming proficiency using [AS1] the eolymp environment. After each contest, they were rated based on the number of problems solved and total time spent for all accepted problems. While the competition is intense and encourages pushing the limits of programming excellence, it also fosters a friendly environment. After each day of the contest, participants could watch the analysis and discussion, presented by the author or one of coaches, which is a valuable opportunity to learn new practices, improve existing skills and make new connections. Those who attended in person also got to meet other teams and make new friends over bowling and paintball on the two days off.

To summarize, we are honored to have been invited to the OCPC as a sponsor and we look forward to continuing our support of the community and competitive programming!

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think-cell was founded in 2002 by two computer scientists who continue to run the company. We produce graphics software that performs most of the painstaking work of creating presentation slides for our demanding users.

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