PURECPP, online 2022
October 23, 2022
After the success of Arno’s talk at C++ and System Software Summit 2020 in China, we were delighted to be contacted by purecpp, a small but active community in China.
Our Senior Software Engineer Sebastian presented a talk “Nobody Can Program Correctly: Lessons from 20 Years of Debugging C++ Code” (@02:13:02)
We were very pleased to learn that the conference video had almost 20,000 views! Check out Sebastian giving his talk as of 02:13:02 and you may find the key highlights below as a sneak peek.
Debugging is super hard. Most developers cannot write error-free code so we have to find the bugs in our code and other people's code. I will walk through the debugging process from the initial report to the final bugfix. You will learn how to find Heisenbugs and how to fix them reliably.
Who is think-cell?
think-cell was founded in 2002 by two computer scientists who continue to run the company. We produce graphics software that performs most of the painstaking work of creating presentation slides for our demanding users.
Find out more about our company and our working environment on our career page. If you are looking for more information on what development problems we are facing every day go to our C++ developer job posting.
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