C++ Meetup in Warsaw, Poland 2017

December 6, 2017

While 2017 came to an end, we visited Warsaw, the capital of Poland. At this C++ Meetup, our CTO Arno Schödl spoke about "Why Iterators Got it All Wrong - And What We Should Use Instead". The event took place in room 3180 of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw.

As is usual in a meetup, there were experienced developers amongst the 60+ that attended. In this case, however, since we were visiting a University, we were also joined by many developers still in their student phase. Arno started by sharing a story about when and why he started thinking of the product, the company that has become think-cell, and the vision behind it. He then dove into the talk, “dissecting” iterators, ranges, adaptors, borders, and elements, lastly arriving at the following closing address: 1) The iterator is modelled after pointers – low level machine concept; Elements and Borders have stronger semantics throwing away duplicate elements; Participants are invited to check think-cell's range library and there is something still missing: Borders are not deferenciable, there is not implicit conversion of Element into a Border.

You can see his full presentation here if you are interested in knowing more. Afterwards, there were sophisticated questions, along with a funny thought as to what Eric Nibbler would say about this. About half of the attendees went to a nearby restaurant until late in the evening for dinner, drinks, engaging conversation, and the exploration of exceptional career opportunities.

Don't hesitate to join the Warsaw community on their meetup page if you are interested and / or to apply for the C++ developer role at think-cell if you would like to join our team!

Who is think-cell?

think-cell was founded in 2002 by two computer scientists who continue to run the company. We produce graphics software that performs most of the painstaking work of creating presentation slides for our demanding users.

Find out more about our company and our working environment on our career page. If you are looking for more information on what development problems we are facing every day go to our C++ developer job posting.

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