Computer Science Day at HU Berlin, Germany 2014

May 8, 2014

Our decision to revisit the Computer Science Day 2014 at our CEO's alma mater, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, was very quickly made.

The event was opened by Prof. Johann-Christoph Freytag, Ph.D., executive director of the Computer Science department at HU Berlin. After this, companies affiliated with the institute had the chance to present their projects. Dr. Sebastian Theophil, senior software engineer at think-cell and HU alumnus, gave a well-received introduction to think-cell's scientific achievements and the highlights of think-cell's software development. And as we like to combine business with pleasure, the talk ended with an invitation for ice cream outside the lecture hall.

In the evening, think-cell enriched the social part of the event with a fabulous green cocktail bar and a big, comfortable party lounge complete with music. Due to public demand we opened it half an hour early and closed it long after everything else was already gone.

Only a few pieces of furniture were harmed in the making of this legendary night.

Who is think-cell?

think-cell was founded in 2002 by two computer scientists who continue to run the company. We produce graphics software that performs most of the painstaking work of creating presentation slides for our demanding users.

Find out more about our company and our working environment on our career page. If you are looking for more information on what development problems we are facing every day go to our C++ developer job posting.

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