Computer Science Day at RWTH Aachen, Germany 2012

December 7, 2012

On December 7 the Computer Science Day 2012 took place at the RWTH Aachen – a varied event including exhibitions, lectures and the honoring of the computer science faculty's graduates with guests including students, relatives, friends and faculty members.

The event began at 12:30 pm with a warm welcome by the Rector, Professor Krieg, the Dean, Professor Kowalewsky, and the Head of Department, Professor Katoen. 500 guests enjoyed a diverse program with lots of room for celebration and conversation. Professor Oberschlep handed out the master and bachelor degree certificates and rewarded outstanding academic achievements with awards and prizes.

Parallel to the degree ceremony, industry partners and sponsors demonstrated their work and research topics in the exhibition hall. As a gold sponsor, think-cell was on-site with its company's stand and four employees. The think-cell team were glad to be back again in Aachen: In July this year they'd been in town to meet Aachen's students during the EAT++ dinner event at Ratskeller. Shortly before the dinner our colleague Sebastian Theophil had presented his newest research at the RWTH's Computer Science Colloquium. Now, six months later, we were grateful for the opportunity to honor the students on the successful completion of studies.

Towards evening a champagne reception and a delicious dinner saw the day of computer science turn into the night of computer science. In a relaxed atmosphere people celebrated and danced, with think-cell's illuminated cocktail bar providing guests with cocktails and interesting discussions. The party continued late into the night and will certainly remain an unforgettable memory.

Hans-Christian Ebke of RWTH's organization team was very excited: "The think-cell booth was a very enriching contribution to the fair and the cocktail bar was simply a huge success! The drinks have helped a lot to get the party started. We never had to clear the dance floor before, but this time at half past three in the morning we almost had to force those party-crazy IT graduates to leave."

Once again we take this opportunity to wish all graduates the very best for their future.

Who is think-cell?

think-cell was founded in 2002 by two computer scientists who continue to run the company. We produce graphics software that performs most of the painstaking work of creating presentation slides for our demanding users.

Find out more about our company and our working environment on our career page. If you are looking for more information on what development problems we are facing every day go to our C++ developer job posting.

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