Meeting C++ Conference in Neuss, Germany 2012

November 9, 2012

As part of its EAT++ initiative think-cell sponsored the dinner event at the 1st European C++ conference Meeting C++ on November 9 and 10, 2012 in Neuss, Germany. All conference participants were invited to a delicious four-course menu on the first evening of the conference.

The conference started on Friday morning when Michael Wong – C++ expert and Canadian representative on the C++ Standard and OpenMP Committee – gave his well received keynote about "Good C++11 Coding Style" and set the starting signal for a diverse and exciting C++ conference. During two days, 145 participants enjoyed 22 talks by 11 renowned speakers, with each talk followed by lively discussions and Q&As.

During the coffee breaks people came together to discuss aspects of the talks, having coffee and exchanging experiences and knowledge. The think-cell booth was well visited and our developer team was highly involved in several vibrant discussions.

At 7pm on Friday evening nearly all conference attendees gathered for the conference dinner together at Nobbers Eck, the rustic and cozy restaurant of Novotel Neuss. think-cell was pleased to sponsor the Mediterranean menu, wine and drinks and see everybody savoring a relaxed evening among friends, colleagues and C++ enthusiasts. We hope everyone enjoyed the food, company and conversations as much as we did. The selection of photos you can find below shows some impressions from this special EAT++ event.

After a long Friday evening, for some until 4am, day two of the conference started on the same high-quality level as day one had ended. Boris Schäling – author of "Boost C++ Libraries" and expert for the German computer magazine c’t, talked about boost.asio while Thomas Heller gave insights on "HPX – A unifying Parallel Runtime System written in C++" in a parallel track. Five more sessions on went until 5:00 pm on Saturday afternoon, giving the participants a wealth of information to take back home.

think-cell would like to express its gratitude to Jens Weller – the organizer and initiator of this great C++ conference, his team and to all attendees for supporting the establishment of a new professional European C++ forum. We are looking forward to the next conference in 2013.

Who is think-cell?

think-cell was founded in 2002 by two computer scientists who continue to run the company. We produce graphics software that performs most of the painstaking work of creating presentation slides for our demanding users.

Find out more about our company and our working environment on our career page. If you are looking for more information on what development problems we are facing every day go to our C++ developer job posting.

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