Application process

What does the application process look like?

You like what you've read so far and would like to work with us? Great! We look forward to receiving your application.

Our application process consists of four steps which usually take far less time than you might have experienced with other companies. While applications at big companies usually run through many stages and a thousand hands, we at think-cell put our efforts into quick replies. This means that if you send us your application today – depending on your own time flexibility – you will know within a few weeks if you got the job.

No big surprises in this step. Just send your CV using the button below or submit it through the job board where you found us. If we like your paperwork, we'll invite you to an online test, usually a few days after you apply.

You can access the online test through a link we send you in our invitation email. The test consists of a real-life task that you might encounter in your new job and will help you understand the kinds of challenges you'd work on as part of the think-cell team. Almost all tests allow for a variety of good solutions so we can learn about your technical skills and personal style. You can start the test whenever it fits your schedule, including on weekends.

C++ Developer

The point of the programming test is to find an elegant solution for a real-life problem our Developers have experienced (and solved) in the past and to implement that solution in C++.

You should do the test in one sitting, though of course you can take breaks as needed. We also recommend taking the time to thoroughly test your solution. Our top candidates often solve the problem in 3 to 4 hours. However, this is just a benchmark.

We appreciate your understanding that we are unable to provide personal feedback on the test if you don't pass. Nevertheless, we assure you that we value your time and effort, and we will not use the information you provide for anything other than the application process.

Software Tester and Support Engineer

You’ll receive a position-related problem as a test, which you'll be asked to solve within 2 hours.

We'll inform you by email about the outcome of the online test within 5 working days of your submission.

We appreciate your understanding that we are unable to provide personal feedback on the test if you don't pass. Nevertheless, we assure you that we value your time and effort, and we will not use the information you provide for anything other than the application process.

C++ Developer

You’ll have the chance to speak to up to 3 Developers. We can conduct the entire interview process online if needed.

First, you'll meet with 1–2 senior engineers from our technical team over MS Teams video calls, which can take up to 2 hours each. During these calls, you'll work on programming tasks in C++ that help us assess your skills. The tasks focus on algorithmic aspects and don't require any specific knowledge about technology or the subtleties of C++. A good solution must be correct, fast, and need little memory. Importantly, it should also be short, elegant, and easy to understand.

The next step is an interview with our CTO. He'll evaluate whether your C++ coding skills, knowledge of algorithms, and formal logic are a good fit for the role. The interview usually takes 1 or 2 hours, but it can take up to 4.

Whether you meet us in our Berlin office or online, you'll have the chance to ask questions about the team, your role, and our culture. If you meet us in Berlin, we will of course cover the costs of your travel and hotel.

Software Tester and Support Engineer

The first step is a phone interview that may only take 45 minutes.

If the call goes well, we'll invite you to the next stage. You should schedule 3 hours for the interview and be prepared to solve role-related problems and some case questions. We can conduct the interview online or in our office if you are in Berlin.

Our interviewers will make up their mind shortly after the interview and will give you feedback within a few days. Meanwhile, we'll keep our fingers crossed for you!

If you pass all interviews, we'll send you an offer that should convince you to join our team as soon as possible. Our HR team will do its best to help you to settle in. If you're coming to us from outside of Berlin, we'll help you with your relocation and can offer you an apartment in Berlin for the first month. If you need a visa, we will of course support the process and sponsor it.

We also get reviewed – Find out what candidates say about our application process

Thank you very much for taking the time to process my application. I have made many similar tests before in other job applications. I succeeded with some and failed in the other. However, this one was really interesting ... actually, the most interesting one at all by far.

Humam in December 2017

You may already know that I have submitted my solution to the problem. I would like to thank you for the given opportunity. The problem is well formed and all given information was, indeed, helpful. Though it was a bit tricky, I hope I did not miss any point. It was a great brain exercise. Hope to hear from you soon.

Miradham in December 2017

Want to know more?

If you have any questions regarding working at think-cell, our job openings or events, please feel free to contact us.
